
Win a Trip to New Orleans in Captain Morgan’s Halloween Contest

Decided what to be for Halloween yet? Maybe you should consider being a monster.

Captain Morgan is looking for the “Ultimate Monster.” Send a pic of you in your costume to Captain Morgan for a chance to win a trip to New Orleans for you and five friends–a prize package worth $18,000.

You can enter on the Captain Morgan Halloween site or send your photo via MMS to “CAPTIN” (or 227846).

Contest is open until … Read more

For Beer Lovers: Rogue Ales Distillery & Public House

Portland has a lot of fine drinking opportunities, with great bars and wineries in addition to about 30 local breweries. Even the gas stations have a pretty sweet beer fridge.

If you like beer, then Rogue Ales is certainly a familiar name. Its Dead Guy Ale has made it a big name in craft brewing. If you’re ever in Portland, Oregon, pay a visit to its distillery and public house. In addition to a big … Read more

1800 Tequila Essential Artists Winners

1800 Tequila had a contest to design custom bottles and the winners are quite impressive. Tequila with the winning designs on the bottles are now available in limited release.

The one pictured here is by Shepard Fairey’s Studio Number One. This one would look great on display at your Halloween party, no?

All 12 winning designs are pretty rad. Check ‘em out!

NOTCOT rounded up the winning entries in an easy-to-peruse way … or you … Read more

Jack Daniel’s Serves Up Ready-to-Eat Meat

Jack Daniel’s is now serving up some meat to go with that shot of whiskey.

Ready-made meals like baby back ribs, barbecue pulled pork and pork loin featuring Jack Daniel’s No. 7 Tennessee Whiskey are making their way to a grocery store near you.

The company has been making marinades, sauces and mustards for a while, so prepared food was the next move.

Sounds good. Ribs, anyone?

Via Louisville Business Journal … Read more

Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine

Moonshine is pretty trendy right now. I’ve seen a number of spirits producers introduce Southern-themed “moonshines” lately, and it’s making me curious: I know liquor companies aren’t actually making distilled spirits without a license and running them under cover of night, so what do they mean when they say “moonshine”?

Piedmont Distillers in North Carolina, makers of Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine, say this spirit earns the name moonshine because of the corn base, copper-pot stills and … Read more

Maker’s Mark Sues Cuervo over Wax Seal

Maker’s Mark claims that the red wax seal used on Jose Cuervo Reserva de la Familia tequila is a trademark infringement and it’s suing.

The bourbon company says that the wax coating atop the Cuervo product deliberately resembles the Maker’s Mark seal and is likely to cause confusion among consumers.

This is the second such suit, and some changes to the Cuervo seal were already made. Cuervo aims to get the suit dismissed.

What do … Read more

Does a Better Baseball Team Mean Pricier Beer?

The Wall Street Journal has a fun little piece analyzing stadium beer prices against the baseball team’s record.

What it found is that on average the more a team wins, the more its stadium charges for beer.

According to data collected by Team Marketing Report for the 2009 season, beer prices vary dramatically among big-league teams. A 21-ounce beer costs $4.75 in Pittsburgh, but you’ll shell out $8.75 for a 20-ounce brew at San Francisco’s

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How to Make Liquor Popsicles

Summer is still here. And depending on where you live, so is the sun! That means it’s the perfect time for popsicles. Of course, we believe everything is better with booze.


Spirited Popsicles have to be low in alcohol because alcohol doesn’t freeze very well. To get them to work, you need to combine the alcohol with juices and syrups, and even then they take longer than your average pop to freeze. But they

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Absolut Boston

Absolut Vodka released its third special “city” edition vodka, Absolut Boston.

Following on the heels of Absolut New Orleans and Absolut Los Angeles, this Boston vodka is flavored with black tea and elderflower.

Tea and elderflower are hot flavors on the mixology scene right now, so keep your eye out for this vodka at your favorite hotspot.

The company will donate $50,000 of the proceeds of Absolut Boston to the Charles River Conservancy, a Boston … Read more

Study Says Beer Is Good for Bones

We knew that alcohol was good for you! First, we hear red wine is good for the heart. And now a study says that beer is actually good for our bones, preventing osteoporosis.

Silicon plays a major role in bone formation. Beer has been claimed to be one of the most important sources of silicon in the Western diet.

The study subjects were all women, presumably because osteoporosis is more common in women and not … Read more