Tips for Responsible Holiday Drinking

checkthis.gifThe holidays are here! The office party, the girls cookie swap, those nice people down the street—yes, lots of parties and lots of drinking. This doesn’t mean you have to overdo it. Use some of these simple tips to help you make the most of your holiday cheer:

  1. Know your limit. Nothing can ruin a good time faster.
  2. Eat while you drink. That’s what the hors d’oeuvres are for.
  3. Alternate drinks with a glass of water. Keeps you hydrated and you drink less.
  4. Drink for quality, not quantity. Enjoy what you are drinking, not how much.
  5. Sip, don’t gulp your drink.
  6. Don’t drink on a empty stomach.
  7. Avoid mixing drinks; beer before liquor, never sicker or something like that. You get the point.
  8. Always have a designated driver. If it’s you, don’t drink.

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