Voodoo Tiki

This came from the nice folks at Voodoo Tiki’s PR firm. Haven’t tried it. They make 10 flavors of tequila. If you’ve tried Voodoo Tiki, let us know what you think. Here’s their marketing pitch and a couple of drinks. 


The dog days of summer had the some Floridians looking for a cool place to hang out after what seemed an unusually long work week. Deciding to swing by Swig Bartini, they found a friend in bartender/mixologist extraordinaire “Brucifer” who mixed up some Voodoo Tiki magic! Just what the doc—er, “witch doctor,” that is—ordered.

Some say the magic inside Voodoo Tiki has to do with the legend, others say it is the high quality blue agaves they’ve chosen from the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico; whatever it is, it must be magic because these drinks quickly disappear before your very eyes. Swing by Swig and ask Brucifer to hook you up with some Voodoo Tiki Magic.

Try either potion:

Blue Voodoo Doll
Tiki’s Revenge

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