Tips on Drinking with Co-workers

the office

“A recent study found that boozing may be a career-building activity. Researchers at San Jose State University say alcohol helps workers “network professionally,” which in turn makes them more valuable employees.

However, it’s important to remember that no matter how relaxed the situation, you’re not out with your college pals. Everything you do or inappropriately blurt out in a slurred rant will have implications for your work life. “

Asylum gives us these 4 maxims of drinking with your co-workers. Learn them, live them, love them:

  1. Buy the first round.
  2. Don’t overdo it.
  3. Don’t talk smack.
  4. Keep sketchy personal stories to yourself.

Read the whole article.

Want some examples of how not to drink with coworkers? Check out the video below.

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